The historical typewriter archive Leonhard Dingwerth (»Historisches Schreibmaschinenarchiv«) is the centrepiece of the museum’s Archive and was acquired by the municipality of Partschins in 2011 with the support of the Autonomous Province Bozen/Bolzano and the Foundation Sparkasse. It is completed by historical material and typewriter accessories endowed by the founder of the museum Kurt Ryba and other private donators.
Next to literature on the history of technology, of the typewriter and the office, the Archive holds patent letters, textbooks and instruction manuals as well as historical postcards, letters, photographs and various kinds of advertising (leaflets and brochures, advertising stamps, newspaper ads, posters and signs, promotional gifts).
A collection of ribbons, ribbon tins, different type carriers, as well as tools for the cleaning and the repair of typewriters have also found its place in the archive.
At present the Archive is being made accessible by the University of Bozen/Faculty of Design within the context of a two years research project. Over 15000 objects have been digitalized and are accessible through the online-catalogue Kulturgüter in Südtirol of the Department of Museums of the Autonomous Province Bozen/Bolzano.
Found: 17400
Natur und Heimat
11. Jg., Heft 8, 08/1962 darin enthaltener Artikel: Ein volkseigener Betrieb erzählt seine Geschichte, Autor: Willibald Gutsche, S. 392-394
DetailsSüdtirol in Wort und Bild 2/62
6. Jg., Heft 2, 05/1962 darin enthaltener Artikel: Vor 100 Jahren. Ein Südtiroler erfindet die Schreibmaschine, Autor: Josef Anton Schuler, S. 23-26
DetailsSüdtirol in Wort und Bild 4/89
33. Jg., Heft 4, IV. Quartal 1989 darin enthaltener Artikel: Südtiroler Bergdorf ist die Wiege der Schreibmaschine, Autor: Kurt Lorz, S. 30-33
Detailsff Südtiroler Wochenmagazin
6. Jg., Heft 21, 23.05.2002 darin enthaltener Artikel: Museum Partschins. Auf frischer Tat ertippt, Autor: Gabriele Crepaz, S. 20-21
DetailsBipiemme News
1. Jg., Heft 6, 09/1993 darin enthaltener Artikel: Tasti d'epoca, Autor: Maria Luisa Minarelli, S. 30-31
DetailsFamiglia Cristiana
69. Jg., Heft 5-7, 02/1999 darin enthaltener Artikel: Al museo delle antiche tastiere, S. 149
DetailsAtmosphere. Meridiana in-flight magazine
15. Jg. Heft 91, 01-02/2004 darin enthaltener Artikel: La macchina per scrivere? In museo! / Typewriters at the museum, Autor: Pietro Buffetti, S. 66-76
DetailsGEO Epoche. Das Magazin für Geschichte
Heft 67; ISBN 978-652-00344-5 Themenheft Geheimdienste. Die Geschichte der Spionage darin enthaltener Artikel: Enigma 1939. Die Maschine und das Rätsel, Autor: Jürgen Bischoff, S. 94-107
DetailsLöwenzahn. Das Magazin
Heft 03-04/2015 darin enthaltener Artikel: Geheim Codes! Verschlüssle deine Texte, S. 8-9 Beilage: Geheimagenten-Set